Founder’s Story


Dan Adams -

Founder & Managing Director

Dan's journey into the dynamic realm of digital marketing began over two decades ago. From the humble design and management of Teletext ads, he rapidly embraced the potential of the then-emerging, social media, propelling himself into a bustling world of algorithms, strategy development, and communication, to deliver social media services across continents, and a wealth of experience across diverse industries.

Recognising the struggle business owners faced in juggling their operations and digital presence, Conquest Social Media was born. Their mission: To offer social media management services at accessible rates. With a dedicated team, he combined strategy, creativity, and data-driven insights to craft tailored solutions for each client.

Amidst the success of Conquest Social Media, Dan's passion for communication led him to a ground-breaking idea. He saw a huge potential in the education sector. Schools needed a modern approach to connect with parents in the digital age, from paper newsletters that lay at the bottom of a school bag for weeks on end, to email newsletters that were sadly never opened. Dan led the team to introduce an innovative school social media strategy that would link schools and parents like never before. This new string to Conquest's bow saw Dan revolutionising communication between schools and parents. Now, through timely updates, event notifications, and interactive platforms a strong community and enriched educational experiences are fostered. This novel approach not only streamlines the flow of information but also brings parents closer to their children's school lives.

Dan holds community values very close to his heart and ensures that this sense of social responsibility runs throughout the business. Through Conquest's membership of the Community Matters Partnership Project (CMPP), their charity work, sponsorship of grassroots sports, or pro bono social media training to local not-for-profit organisations, this is quickly evident. In a more personal role, Dan volunteered for local government as a Borough Councillor from 2015-2023, during which time he held various positions, chairing committees as well as representing the council on the Executive as the Portfolio Holder for People & Place. In 2018 he was chosen as the 45th Mayor of Surrey Heath.

In 2020 Dan was elected Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, which followed in 2023 with him being invested as the 475th member of the Worshipful Company of Communicators. More recently in 2024, he received the Freedom of the City of London.

Dan lives in Camberley with his wife, Sarah, and has two grown-up children. In the very limited spare time he does have, he enjoys travelling and can be often found in his beloved Spain, in fact, it's not unusual that clients will find their posts and social media management taking place from 36,000ft - further emphasising how connected our world really is and proving that land barriers form no barrier to digital communications.

Learn more & connect with Dan on LinkedIn here.